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You can install the plugin by following some simple and easy steps.

  • Log in to your account and download the main plugin package.
  • Unzip the main package in your computer.
  • After unzipping you will get plugin, documentation folders.

From your WordPress dashboard:

  1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
  2. Click on ‘Upload
  3. Click on ‘Browse‘ button and then select the plugin zip file .
  4. Then click ‘Install Now’ button. The plugin will be installed within some moments.
  5. Then click ‘Activate


Manual Installation:

  1. ‘Upload / Copy’ the main plugin zip file file to your ‘wp-content/plugins’ folder
  2. Unzip the the main plugin zip file.
  3. Visit ‘Plugins from your site dashboard
  4. Find plugin in the plugin list, and activate it by clicking on ‘Activate‘ link