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Export And Import

2 minutesread
This topic covers the processes of exporting and importing a form. More specifically, this article outlines how to export and import a JSON backup file.Creating a JSON export of your form is an easy way to copy a form from one WordPress website to another. It is also a good way to backup a form.

Steps To Export A JSON Form Backup File


  • Step 1 : Go To The Conversational Forms Admin PageStarting from the WordPress Dashboard, you can navigate to the Conversational Forms Admin Page by clicking on the menu named \”Chatbot Form Builder\”.
  • Step 2: Export The FormExport the form by hovering over 1 form from the list of built forms and clicking on Export. This launches the Export Form pop-up window. Download the JSON file by selecting Backup/Importable (JSON) from the Export Type drop-down menu. Start exporting by clicking on Export Form. You receive a prompt to Save the file to your local computer.

Steps To Import A JSON Form Backup File


  • Step 1 : Go To The Conversational Forms Admin PageStarting from the WordPress Dashboard, you can navigate to the Conversational Forms Admin Page by clicking on the menu named \”Chatbot Form Builder\”.
  • Step 2 : Start The ImportImport the JSON file by clicking on Import in the top Chatbot Form Builder menu bar. This launches the Import Form pop-up window where you enter a Form Name, then continue by clicking on Choose File. You receive a prompt to find and open the JSON file from your local computer. Start importing by clicking on Import Form.