Looking for help? KnowAll is a fully featured knowledge base theme for WordPress.

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Looking for help? KnowAll is a fully featured knowledge base theme for WordPress.


Enable Bot Activity Hour – If enabled WPBot will show only during the time schedule you set below. The timezone you set from WordPress general settings will be used.


WPBot allow below listed 3rd party messaging & chating application, web link and phone in Integration section. You can add and remove even control to show or hide these application. 7.1. Facebook Messenger To enable Messenger application you need a Facebook Page and Facebook App You need to add your domain name in the App Domains field […]


In Custom CSS box Enter any custom valid CSS without any wrapping “style” tags.


c   Enable DialogFlow as AI Engine to Detect Intents and to process Natural Language commands from users. DialogFlow client Access Token You will need an Access Token from DialogFlow. Log in to DialogFlow Console from Here with your gmail account. Create a new agent and copy the Client Access Token from Settings. Import Agent to DialogFlow Download the agent […]


In the faq builder section, Admin can add questions and answers by clicking on Add More Questions and Answers button and remove any previous questions by clicking on the red cross button.


Disable WPBot to load – enable this feature if you want to disable WPBot across the Skip Greetings and Show Start Menu – enable this feature if you want to skip greetings and show start menu. Disable WPBot on Mobile Device – enable to Disable WPBot to Load on Mobile Device Sound on Page Load – enable to Sound […]


WPBot Pro comes with a set of WPBot icons preinstalled but you can upload your own 2 agent icons and 4 different themes. You can choose any agent icon or upload your own and switch between any themes any time. Upload custom Icon To set an custom WPBot icon, click on upload custom icon and upload […]


All WPBot responses can be controlled through Language Center. You can add multiple variations of messages for each node. They will be used randomly and give an apperance of more human like responses. It has been divided into six tabs. 11.1. General When you are done, then click on Save Settings button to save your settings. FAQ Email […]

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