Looking for help? KnowAll is a fully featured knowledge base theme for WordPress.

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Looking for help? KnowAll is a fully featured knowledge base theme for WordPress.

How To Display WPBot on a page with Shortcode

WPBot comes with a ShortCode that can be placed anywhere in your WordPress site.ShortCode WPBot Full page shortcode:

Shortcode for Click to Chat

Click to Chat Available Parameters: text, bot_visibility, intent, display_as, bgcolor, textcolor text: This is for the button text. Value for this option would be a text that will be automatically linked to open the ChatBot. Ex: Click to Chat bot_visibility: This is show or hide bot floating icon. Available values: show, hide. Default value is […]

Show Bot on a Page

 on any page to display Bot on that page.   Available Parameter: intent intent: This parameter allow you to trigger specific intent. It does support all pre-defined & custom intents. Available Values: Faq, Email Subscription, Site Search, Send Us Email, Leave A Feedback, Request Callback, Ex:


You will find some helpful video tutorials and the ChatBot workflow on this page.