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Open Category List

Looking for help? Type your search string. Minimum 4 characters are required.

How to save money and reduce OpenAI API cost for your ChatBot

If your website has a lot of traffic OpenAI API cost can shoot up quickly for your ChatBot trying to answer all your user questions. You can dramatically decrease the OpenAI API cost by using our WPBot chatbot for WordPress’s default features which are free in combination with OpenAI. How? It is easy. For the […]

Allow Shortcodes

Allow Shortcodes If you enable this option then you will be able to add any shortcode in the response field and chatbot will render the shortcode in the chatbot window as a response of this query.


Entities dictates exactly how data from an end-user expression is extracted.STR Pro provides predefined default entities that can match many common types of data. For example, there are system entities for matching dates, colors, email addresses, and so on. You can also create your own custom entities for matching custom data. For example, you could […]


Examples Here you will find some examples that will help you to get started with creating different types of STR Basic STR This is very basic setup of a STR. When user\’s query is matched then chatbot will show the particular response for that query you have set. Also you can send a followup message […]


Export You can export all the STR responses by clicking on the export button at the top of Simple Text Responses page. It will be export as a coma seperated CSV file.

Field details for STR

We will explain all fields that you will see when creating new STR. STR pro has lots of features to bring you the flexibility to create almost any kind of custom conversions and deliver proper response for the customer query. Click on Add New button from Simple Text Responses page to go to new STR form   […]

Getting Started

After activating the STR Pro plugin you will have lots of functionality in the Chatbot Pro > Simple Text Responses page like: Manage Categories, Manage Entities, Export, Import, Remove Stopwords, Shortcodes etc. We will go through all of these and explain how all that works.


Import You can Import STR responses by clicking on the import button at the top of Simple Text Responses page. You need to add all your STR responses in a coma seperated CSV file then upload it.


You can install the plugin by following some simple and easy steps. Log in to your account and download the main plugin package. Unzip the main package in your computer. After unzipping you will get plugin, documentation folders. From your WordPress dashboard: Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’ Click on ‘Upload‘ Click on ‘Browse‘ button and then select the plugin […]

Manage Categories

  In this page you will be able to manage your STR categories. Also you can create category hierarchy.  

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