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Looking for help? KnowAll is a fully featured knowledge base theme for WordPress.

Formwise Webhook Integration

Using this option you can send any individual conversational form submission data to a specific webhook url. Note: To get this function working, you need to uncheck “Eable Single Webhook Endpoint for All Conversatioal Forms” checkbox from Tab-01. Figure 01: Formwise Webhook URL Binding. Click on “Add Entry” button to bind any form with a specific […]

HubSpot CRM Integration

You can add your Email Subscribers and Conversational Form Submissions (having an email field) directly to HubSpot CRM’s CONTACT database. You need to create a “Private App” in HubSpot and then add that app’s access token here. If you create a conversational form and want to send that form data to HubSpot, you must use an “Email” field type in your […]

Mailchimp Integration

You can add your mailchimp campaigns API KEY using “Manage Mailchimp Campaigns” button of this tab. Next click on “New Mailchimp Campaigns” button to add your campaign url. Give your post a title, then paste your API Key into “Mailchimp API Key” field. After setting these values, click on “Publish” button. You are all set! You […]

Single Endpoint Integration

*To get conversational form submission data and/or email subscription data in a single webhook url, you need to copy the appropriate webhook URL from your service provider (Like, Zapier) and paste it into “Webhook URL” field. Then click on “Save Changes” button. *To get conversational form submission data using a webhook url you need to check […]