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Creating A New Form

2 minutesread

This guide covers the processes of creating a new form. More specifically, this article covers creating a new form from a completely blank template.


Steps To Create A Blank Form

  • Step 1 : Go To The Conversational Forms Admin Page

    Starting from the WordPress Dashboard, you can navigate to the Conversational Forms Admin Page by clicking on the menu named “Chatbot Form Builder”.

  • Step 2 : Create A New Form

    Create a new form by clicking on New Form in the top Conversational Forms menu bar. This launches the Create New Form pop-up window.

  • Step 3 : Select Blank Form And Enter Form Details

    In the pop-up window, click on Blank Form and enter a name in the Form Name field, then click on the Create Form button. You are now in the Conversational forms Layout Builder, and can start building your new form.

  • Step 4 : Add A Form Field

    Add a form field by clicking and holding the Add Field button and dragging it to a row , then releasing the mouse click. This launches the Form Fields pop-up window. Insert the form field by clicking on Set Field. Form fields are setup into 3 types:

    • Basic – This includes Simple Text, Hidden, Email Address, Number, URL, Calculator fields.
    • Select – This includes Select Option, Checkbox, DateTime Picker fields.
    • Content – This includes HTML fields.
  • Step 5: Configure The Form Field(s) And Save The Form

    Configure a form field by entering values in the options displayed directly to the left of the grid builder. Every field has different options to input and to delete a field by clicking on Delete Field.