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DialogFlow ES, CX, OpenAI

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DialogFlow Essential

Intents created in Dialogflow give you the power to build a truly human like, intelligent and comprehensive chatbot. Build any type of Intents and Responses (including rich message responses) directly in DialogFlow and train the bot accordingly. When you create custom intents and responses in DialogFlow, WPBot will automatically display them when user inputs match with your Custom Intents along with the responses you created. You can also build Rich responses by enabling Facebook messenger Response option.

In addition you can also Enable Advanced Chained Question and Answers using follow up Intents, Contexts, Entities etc. and then have resulting answers from your users emailed to you. This feature lets you create a a series of questions in DialogFlow that will be asked by the bot and based on the user inputs a response will be displayed.

WPBot also supports Rich responses using Facebook Messenger integration. This allows you to display Image, Cards, Quick Text Reply or Custom PayLoad inside the ChatBot window. You can also insert an image or youtube video link inside the DialogFlow responses and they will be automatically rendered by the WPBot!

DialogFlow CX

WPBot supports visual workflow builder Dialogflow CX. It provides a new way of designing agents, taking a state machine approach to agent design. This gives you clear and explicit control over a conversation, a better end-user experience, and a better development workflow.

    • Console visualization: A new visual builder makes building and maintaining agents easier. Conversation paths are graphed as a state machine model, which makes conversations easier to design, enhance, and maintain.
    • Intuitive and powerful conversation control: Conversation states and state transitions are first-class types that provide explicit and powerful control over conversation paths. You can clearly define a series of steps that you want the end-user to go through.
    • Flows for agent partitions: With flows, you can partition your agent into smaller conversation topics. Different team members can own different flows, which makes large and complex agents easy to build.

OpenAI (ChatGPT – GPT3)

WPBot pro Master license supports integration with OpenAI (ChatGPT, GPT3). Simply enable the OpenAI module and add your own API key and it will start working. You can also train the OpenAI by uploading your own training files. See the OpenAI section for more details.