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  • Disable WPBot to load – enable this feature if you want to disable WPBot across the
  • Skip Greetings and Show Start Menu – enable this feature if you want to skip greetings and show start menu.
  • Disable WPBot on Mobile Device – enable to Disable WPBot to Load on Mobile Device
  • Sound on Page Load – enable to Sound on Page Load
  • Disable WPBot Icon Animation – enable this feature if you want to disable WPBot icon animation on load and click on it.
  • Disable Call Me – enable to Disable Call Me button on start.
  • Disable Send Email – enable to Disable Send Email button on start.
  • Disable WPBot Opening Notification – enable to don’t display on WPBot Opening notification messages.
  • Enable RTL Support for Chat – Enable RTL for Chat Window
  • Override WPBot Icon’s Position – To move WPBot icon and chat window on the view port of device give value in pixel.
  • WPBot Loading Control Options To load WPBot on specific pages and area (by default YES to all).
    • Show on Home Page To show only on Home page
    • Show on Blog Posts To show on blog or articles page of WordPress.
    • Show on Pages To show on WordPress pages (by default to All Pages ). if want to show on specfic pages then change radio button to Selected Pages Only and check mark on the pages and hit on the Save Settings
  • Predefined Intents
  • Disable Site Search If you enable this option the default intent site search will be hide from start menu
  • Disable Call Me If you enable this option the default intent Call me button will be hide from start menu
  • Disable Send Email If you enable this option the default intent Send email button will be hide from start menu
  • Disable Leave a Feedback If you enable this option the default intent Leave a Feedback button will be hide from start menu
  • Disable FAQ If you enable this option the default intent FAQ button will be hide
  • Disable Email Subscription If you enable this option the default intent Email Subscription button will be hide from start menu