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Predefined intents – Built-in ChatBot Features

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Predefined intents can work without integration to DialogFlow API and AI. These are readily available as soon as you install the plugin and can be turned on or off individually.

// Simple Text Responses

Create unlimited text responses from your WordPress backend. The ChatBot uses advanced search algorithm for natural language phrase matching with user input.

// Send eMail, Call Me Back & Feedback Collection

Users can send a email to the site admin directly from the Chat window for customer support. The Call Me Back feature lets you get call requests from your customers which will be emailed to you. You can also use WPBot to collect Feedback from your customers regarding anything! You can disable/enable these features from the Start Menu.

// Advanced Site Search

If no matching text response is found WPBot will conduct an advanced website search and try to match user queries with your website contents and show results.

// Frequently Asked Questions

Create a set of Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ so users can quickly find answers to the most common questions they have.

// Ask for name, email, phone number etc.

Asking for the name is the default workflow. In the pro version, you can also ask for an email and phone number if you want to or skip the Greetings part altogether and load any intent of your choice.

// Newsletter Subscription

WPBot can prompt User for eMail subscription. Link this with your Retargeting ChatBot window popup and a special offer. People can register their email address that you can later export as CSV! GDPR compliant with unsubscribe option from the ChatBot!