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What is WPBot WordPress Chat Bot ?

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WPBot is a Plug n’ Play, Intelligent ChatBot for WordPress that can Increase the value of your Website. This WordPress ChatBot plugin can converse fluidly with the user – thanks to the Integration with Google‘s Natural Language Processing (NLP) & Artificial Intelligence and provide the help and support they need.

WPBot works based on two types of user intents as user inputs.

  1. Predefined intents ( Site Search, Faq, Send Us Email, Call Me). These intents can work without integration to DialogFlow API and AI.
  2. Custom intents gives you the option to build a truly human like, intelligent and comprehensive chatbot. Build any type of Intents and Responses (including rich text responses) directly in DialogFlow and train the bot accordingly. When you create custom intents and responses in DialogFlow, WPBot will display them when user inputs match with the Custom Intents along with the responses you created. You can also build Rich responses by enabling Facebook messenger Response option.
  3. Some WPBot Pro licenses also support integration with OpenAI ChatGPT. Follow the instructions in the OpenAI help section to start using and training OpenAI  to respond to your customers.