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Looking for help? KnowAll is a fully featured knowledge base theme for WordPress.

Editing, Cloning & Deleting an Existing Form

Editing, Cloning & Deleting an Existing Form This topic covers the processes of editing, cloning, and deleting a form. Step 1 : Go To The Conversational Forms Admin PageStarting from the WordPress Dashboard, you can navigate to the Conversational Forms Admin Page by clicking on the menu named \”Chatbot Form Builder\”. Step 2 : Editing […]

Export And Import

This topic covers the processes of exporting and importing a form. More specifically, this article outlines how to export and import a JSON backup file.Creating a JSON export of your form is an easy way to copy a form from one WordPress website to another. It is also a good way to backup a form. […]


What is Conversational Forms Pro ?Conversational Forms is a Addon Plugin for WPBot. It extents WPBot\’s functionality and add ability to create conversational form for WPBot.

Creating A New Form

This guide covers the processes of creating a new form. More specifically, this article covers creating a new form from a completely blank template.   Steps To Create A Blank Form Step 1 : Go To The Conversational Forms Admin Page Starting from the WordPress Dashboard, you can navigate to the Conversational Forms Admin Page […]

Displaying Form

Displaying a form is very easy in WPBot. The form is automatically added to WPBot Start Menu as Intent. If you type start in WPBot you will see the “Form Name” appears as Start Menu Button. Also you can change the order of start menu button like if you want to show the conversational form […]

Email Notification Settings

This topic will cover every aspect of email notifications for Conversational Form Builder. These settings control the email notifications for each form built using Conversational Form Builder. Receive emails from your Conversational Forms Setting up the email notifications settings is an important step to receiving emails from your Conversational Form and to ensure they are […]

Export, Delete, View, And Edit A Form Entry

This topic covers the processes of managing your Conversational Form Builder entries. More specifically, this article outlines how to export, delete, view, and edit form entries. This can be easily mistaken for exporting and importing form configuration, which is an entirely different process. Export, Delete, View, And Edit A Form Entry We recommend using this […]

Form Conditions

This topic covers the processes of using Conversational Form Builders Conditional Logic. You will learn what conditional logic is and how to create and use conditional logic for fields. Forms Conditional Groups Conditional groups are a set of rules that apply to groups of fields that dynamically change the form layout. Steps To Create And […]

Form Processors

This topic covers the processes of using Conversational Form Builder Processors. You will learn what a Conversational Forms processor is and how you can add a processor to a form and why. Conversational Forms Processors Processors add types of functionality that allows a form to “process” something after a user submits a form. Conversational Forms […]

Form Settings

These settings control form settings like form name and Command for WPBot . Steps To Configure Form Settings Step 1 : Go To The Conversational Form Builder Admin Page And Create Or Edit A Form Starting from the WordPress Dashboard, you can navigate to the Conversational Form Builder Admin Page. Create a new form by […]

Form Variables

This topic covers the processes of using Conversational Form Builder Variables. You will learn what a Conditional Form Builder variable is, and how to create and use Static variables. Conversational Form Builder Variables Variables are dynamic form values that have use in either other areas of your form or in different parts of your website. […]

Forms Fields

There are 3 section of field types: Basic Section There are 6 different types of field in the Basic section. Simple Text Simple Text fields are the most common types of fields found in Conversational Form Builder. These fields are used for capturing single line data such as name, last name or any other information […]

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