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Looking for help? KnowAll is a fully featured knowledge base theme for WordPress.

Editing, Cloning & Deleting an Existing Form

Editing, Cloning & Deleting an Existing Form This topic covers the processes of editing, cloning, and deleting a form. Step 1 : Go To The Conversational Forms Admin PageStarting from the WordPress Dashboard, you can navigate to the Conversational Forms Admin Page by clicking on the menu named \”Chatbot Form Builder\”. Step 2 : Editing […]

Export And Import

This topic covers the processes of exporting and importing a form. More specifically, this article outlines how to export and import a JSON backup file.Creating a JSON export of your form is an easy way to copy a form from one WordPress website to another. It is also a good way to backup a form. […]

Getting Started

After installing ‘Conversation Forms Pro’ plugin, you will see a Menu called Chatbot Form Builder where you can Create A New form for WPBot and also you will find all your created forms list. Conversation Forms Pro allow you to create a wide variety of forms, that might include: Standard Contact Forms Dynamic Forms – where fields can change […]


You can install “Conversational Forms Pro” plugin by following some simple and easy steps and you must have the WPBot Pro plugin installed on your website. Please find ‘conversational-forms-pro.zip’ file inside your downloaded package and install it following the steps below: –   From your WordPress dashboard: Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’ Click on ‘Upload‘ Click on ‘Browse‘ button […]


One of the new features for Conversational Form Builder is that you can revert to a previous version of a form. Every time you hit the save button in the Conversational Form Builder a revision of the previous version of the form configuration is saved, just in case. This is useful if you want to […]

Using Magic Tags

When you are creating a form or working with the information submitted to a form, for example when setting up an auto-responder message from a form, you often need to use dynamic information from that form. For example, if you wanted your auto-responder message to start with “Hi Roy” when the value of the form […]

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